Learning through Volcano's unique natural and cultural resources to become creative global citizens.
Resources for Students and Families
Keep this page as a reference for resources for both education and well-being. To share a resource, contact Kim at kmiller@volcanoschool.net.
Vibrant Hawaii https://www.vibranthawaii.org/ Click the tab for COVID-19 Community Resources. Very thorough information for how to apply for unemployment benefits and many other critical resources
Electric Bill Relief https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/billing-and-payment/payment-assistance/low-income-programs/liheap
Kai Kahele: COVID-19 Community Resources https://www.kaikahele.com/covid19-resources/
Aloha United Way 2-1-1 https://www.auw211.org
United Way COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund for help with bills, rent, and food. Call 866-211-9966
Resources for caring for family & kupuna in a Thriving Lāhui
Hawaii Island Food Basket https://www.hawaiifoodbasket.org/
Drive-Thru Food Distribution Schedule. If you need immediate assistance or do not have a vehicle, please call 933-6030 (East HI) or 322-1418 (West HI).
SNAP Benefits Updated link to apply for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits: https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/bessd/files/2020/03/SNAP_Application_2019-form-fillable-3-23-20-final-1.pdf
Hawaii Children’s Action Network Resource Page http://covid19.hawaii-can.org/
HCAN (Hawai‘i Children’s Action Network) map of local COVID19 resources, which you can filter by island or category
Hawaii DOE Learning Activities: On & Off Screen https://sites.google.com/k12.hi.us/resources-student-parent/home?authuser=0 .
Book Source Banter – Comprehensive Guide to Remote Teaching Resources https://www.booksourcebanter.com/2020/03/18/guide-to-remote-teaching-resources-for-educators Links to author reads for all grade levels, virtual tours of museums, national parks, Mars, and much more…
Humanity United Resources for Parents file:///C:/Users/Kim/Downloads/Resources%20For%20Parents%20With%20Kids%20At%20Home_03%2016%2020%20(1).pdfEspecially pages 5 & 6 for a great list of non-screen activities
Reading Library for Students With Dyslexia https://www.bookshare.org/cms/bookshare-me/students
Practice phonics skills with the read-along stories at www.starfall.com
National Geographic for Kids: Weird but True https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/adventure_pass/weird-but-true/
Fascinating video library, great science experiments to do at home and other fun resources
Hawaii Public Library Free Movie Rentals https://librarieshawaii.kanopy.com/
Rent movies for free with your library card. Huge library to select from.
Social Emotional Resources for Parents & Children https://casel.org/covid-resources/
How to talk with your children about COVID-19, link to Webinar Recording with Dr. Marc Brackett: Strategies for Being Your Best Possible SELf, and other excellent resources
Article: That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief https://hbr.org/2020/03/that-discomfort-youre-feeling-is-grief?fbclid=IwAR3nrKl-vffMjlv6SRBuVC3tBhZ5i4fF4cYxi6hhbsq8aZ9OT4m1mRnSzBU
Calm.com https://www.calm.com/blog/take-a-deep-breath#meditations
Meditations, breathing exercises, stories for kids & adults