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News & Events


Over 60 volunteers pitched in to beautify our two campuses on Saturday, January 23 and Saturday, January 30.  Many people worked 6-9 hours of hard work  painting the railings and eaves on the front of the 3rd-5th grade and Keakealani buildings, building a new walkway in front of the resource tent, spreading gravel in some parking areas and filling potholes, painting the entrances to the office and multi-purpose buildings, repair of the Resource and Business Office tents, removing rubbish from under and around buildings and taking to the transfer station, cleaning and touch up of the Volcano chimney, touch-up of the VSAS entrance sign, clearing invasives, and painting of all the benches and the picnic tables outside the multi-purpose room.  In addition, a group of volunteers began the work of reorganizing our school library to get it in working order for our students, staff and families. We want to recognize and give a big MAHALO to all of came out! Puna Rock and HPM each donated $100 and Home Depot donated $25 to use toward materials. Maurice Thomas (Volcano True Value) gave lava rock needed for our walkway border and edging of the Resource tent. 


In preparation for taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) in April, students in grades 3-8 will be taking practice tests during the weeks of January 20-February 6th. They will take 3 different kinds of practice tests:


  • Training Tests familiarize students with computer navigation and the on-line tools that they can use during testing

  • Practice Tests offer practice problems to familiarize students with both the content and question formats that will be on the test. Students will take English Language Arts and Math Computer Adaptive Tests (ELA CAT & Math CAT) and Performance Tasks (ELA PT & Math PT).

  • IAB-Interim Assessment Blocks provide 12-15 practice questions that focus on a single topic


We urge parents to see the training and practice tests that the students will be taking and to do some practice testing at home. You can access the training and practice tests at You can enter the site as a guest. In addition to the SBAC practice testing, students in grades 4 and 8 are also taking the Hawai'i State Assessment Science test. Students will have an opportunity to take the Science test again in May. Practice tests are available for the Science test are also available at

Resources & Information


Hawai'i Statewide Assessment Portal

Official site for the HawaiÊ»i Smarter Balanced Assessments, the HawaiÊ»i State Alternate Assessments, HawaiÊ»i State Science Assessments, & Hawai'i State End-of-Course Exams. 


Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards - Math

Printable booklets by grade level


Parent Roadmaps to Common Core Standards - English Language Arts

Printable booklets by grade level


Grade Level Milestones

A free online collection of videos aimed at helping parents understand grade-level expectations in grades K-8


Student success depends on being present in school. Re-entering class after having missed school is difficult for children who have missed instruction and class activities. In addition, students who are chronically absent are at a much greater risk for academic failure including dropping out of high school. We are recognizing students with excellent attendance and are also ramping up interventions to decrease chronic absenteeism (defined as 15 days or more in one school year). Chronic absenteeism is one of the criteria that is used to measure school success in the state of Hawai'i. It is important that students are in school every day. Parents are encouraged to let us know if there are issues such as transportation needs, parent illness, or any other factors that are impacting your child’s school attendance. You can contact our school counselor at or your child’s teacher. We will support families in whatever ways that we can to improve school attendance. If your child must be absent due to illness with fever, other contagion, funeral, or family emergency, it is important that you please call the office and let us know.

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