Learning through Volcano's unique natural and cultural resources to become creative global citizens.
Ke Kula ʻAmakihi Community-Based Education
Ke Kula ʻAmakihi Community-Based Education (CBE) Program began in school-year 2016-2017 to provide high quality, experiential education that integrates home and school resources to support students who learn best in a home setting.
​Ke Kula ʻAmakihi is an innovative blended learning program that uses digital and printed material, project-based learning, weekly face-to-face meetings with a licensed teacher as well as collaborative learning with group classes and frequent huakaʻi (learning trips).
Ke Kula ʻAmakihi embodies the VSAS philosophy that education is more meaningful to children when presented in an environment that is familiar, that relates to their home life, and that allows for discovery-based, experiential learning. Ke Kula ʻAmakihi is rooted in Volcano Schoolʻs place-based, experiential curriculum. ​​​​​​​​​​​
The name Kula Ê»Amakihi refers to the Ê»amakihi bird, which is endemic to Volcano. The Ê»amakihi never flies far from its tree home and is one of the birds that has flourished in the changing environment. This name was chosen by Kiliona Moku Young, VSAS ‘Ike Hawai’i kumu.
Ke Kula Ê»Amakihi can be a good solution for parents who have the interest, and the time, to focus more deeply on their child’s education. Although the learning coach is usually a parent, it may also be another adult. ​
Is Kula ʻAmakihi the right program for your child and your ʻohana? Take this quick survey to see if you would be successful in this program.